Artificial Intelligence Signal Controls

A much better and smarter alternative to roundabouts is Artificial Intelligence (AI) controlled signals where signal operation is based on real time situations that change during the day as they do on Hwy 68. It would allow maximum flow during the peak hours and then adjust to conditions during the non-peak hours just like having a traffic cop at each intersection to make the best decisions in real time. The technology can be applied immediately to the existing intersections and signals and can even communicate with autonomous vehicles in the future. This technology has been applied to actual installations since 2012 in places like Pittsburgh, PA with great results that are reported to be 25% less travel times and 40% less wait times plus 20% less pollution. Links to the numerous articles documenting the actual results in real life are listed below. Using this AI based signal control system, the Canadian City of Peterborough did a pilot project to compare traditional signal timing systems with adaptive signal systems. The project resulted in close to $1 Million in reduced user costs, reduced vehicle emissions by 20% and decreased vehicle delay by 41.3%. The Peterborough Case Study can be viewed at the very bottom of this post or can be accessed and downloaded through a link below.   

The system was developed at the Carnegie Mellon University and was even funded by the US Dept of Transportation Congestion Management Technology Deployment. With such great results (much better than any alleged roundabout claims) you would think that Caltrans and TAMC would have investigated the technology and asked for demos and bids from the commercial companies, but NO, they have not even considered it. Not only would it work better to relieve congestion and be installed immediately but it would do so at a much less cost. Based on an actual quote, it is estimated to cost between $177,000 and $440,000 (depending on detector hardware) total to install the AI software in all 9 of the intersections. Compare that to the $227 Million for the 9 roundabouts which you know will cost more over the many years that it will take to build them. AI software would also not require an additional Environmental Impact Report since it would be using existing signals and intersections and can be upgraded as even newer technology becomes available in the future.

The recently released Draft Environmental Impact Report from Caltrans even stated the “Traffic delay at the corridor intersections is caused, in part, by the inefficiency of the existing intersection controls” so you would think that the logical next step would be to see what technology would make them more efficient! Instead, AI Signal Controls have not even been considered so far by TAMC or Caltrans.

Here are some links that describe in detail the AI Signal Control Technology:

Miovision Adaptive – TAMC Presentation.pptx – Google Slides

UTC Spotlight Article-Surtrac for the People: Upgrading the Surtrac Pittsburgh Deployment to Incorporate Pedestrian Friendly Extensions and Remote Monitoring Advances (

This AI traffic system in Pittsburgh has reduced travel time by 25% | Smart Cities Dive

Surtrac Allows Traffic To Move at the Speed of Technology – News – Carnegie Mellon University (

Case study: Reducing Congestion & Optimizing Signal Timing | Miovision

AI in Traffic Management – Artificial Intelligence + (

New AI traffic signal system reduces waiting time by 47 per cent Siemens reveals at Gulf Traffic | Intertraffic

NoTraffic Platform Overview – Autonomous Traffic Management – YouTube

Smart traffic lights revolutionize (

Peterborough Case Study

2 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence Signal Controls

  1. I agree on the AI lights solution- STRONGLY OPPOSED to roundabout project. I can’t help but think there is something janky going on behind closed doors with this proposal. I’m praying for exposure of all that.

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