It is not too late to voice your opinion by sending emails to Caltrans and TAMC, who will be making final decisions later this spring. I urge everyone to get involved, tell your neighbors, and make a difference, just as the public did in rejecting the 4 roundabouts in Ventura County in 2017.

AI Pilot Study

Caltrans has recently responded to significant input from the public and is currently trying to get approval from Sacramento headquarters to do a pilot study of AI Adaptive Signals at 4 of the 9 intersections on Hwy 68. They need to hear your support for that effort and your rejection of the proposed roundabouts. Caltrans and TAMC should hold off on the proposed roundabouts and investigate installing AI based signal controllers at the 9 intersections which could be done immediately and for less than $500,000 and will produce much better congestion reduction than roundabouts.

Tell TAMC and Caltrans to “Stop the installation of the 9 roundabouts on Hwy 68 and install AI Signal Controllers instead.” or “Install AI Signal Controllers for $440,000 and with better results, instead of 9 Roundabouts at $227 Million with worse results and which will increase emergency response times and increase emissions?”

You should send your comments/opinions NOW to ALL those listed below:

The Project Managers for the Hwy 68 Project:

Doug Bilse at TAMC [email protected] or 831-775-4413

Carla Yu at Caltrans [email protected] or 805-835-6349

You should also send your comments/opinions to the TAMC Board Members by emailing them to Elouise Rodriguez, who is the Senior Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board at [email protected] . Be sure to ask her to distribute your statement to each of the 17 voting Board Members.

Here are the supervisors for the local districts if you want to contact them directly but each of them is also on the TAMC Board.

You can also send your comments to Supervisor Mary Adams of District 5, who is also on the TAMC Board at [email protected]

You can also send your comments to Supervisor Wendy Root of District 4, who is also on the TAMC Board at [email protected]

You can also send your comments to Supervisor Luis Alejo of District 1, who is also on the TAMC Board at [email protected]

8 thoughts on “Take Action

  1. To whom it concerns:

    I have read regarding AI controlled signaling and find myself very in favor of this approach for several reasons.

    #1. It is a cost-effective method even if only as a trial at $500,000 in lieu of the 100 million dollars or more for the roundabouts. Even if cost for the AI signaling system increases in price (which many public works projects do) it makes a great deal of sense to explore the benefits instead of charging forward to the tune of hundreds of millions for the dubious roundabouts.

    2. With the budget of Calif short fall in the billions, and also at the federal level, a $500,000 AI signaling project makes absolute sense.

    3. 100 + millions for the roundabout is a cost we simply cannot afford, although Highway 68 is congested, repairs at $100 million + is out of the question.

    4. Highway projects always exceed in cost and time; this project will be no different, it will impact traffic for several years and adversely affect the driving community. The results will be controversial at best and there will always be the question, why did we not try the AI signaling system?

    5. Although roundabouts in small communities worked fairly well, I am not in favor of roundabouts in these highly trafficked areas and high speed areas.

    6. I am extremely favorable regarding the use of AI signaling systems, and strongly support the implementation of AI signaling.

    7. If the roundabouts go forward, there will always be a dark cloud on those that made that decision knowing that our bank account cannot afford it. Many people do not support the roundabouts but many do support AI signaling.

    8. AI signaling should not only be investigated but utilized to set a new and higher standard for highway traffic flow for now and the future.

    WE HATE ALL ROUNDABOUTS!!! They are an accident waiting to happen!!!

    1. Greetings,

      I see that you are considering roundabouts in nine locations. In addition, some are suggesting Ai controlled intersections for a quarter of the cost and the roundabout construction would not start until 2028.

      My suggestion:
      1. Install AI controlled lights at San Benancio and Corral de Tierra

      2. If it is successful, do the same at
      Laureles Rd.

      3. This alone should solve the congestion proble.

      Note: do not wait until 2028. If the delay is because of financing, the use of AI lights are much cheaper and should allow you to start immediately.

      Once the two intersections (item 1) are completed, you will know how to proceed. But, more importantly, you can take action this year not in 2028.

      Thomas R. Lukes
      Retired architect

  2. I do not agree with the roundabouts, signal light would be much better and more cost effective . why spend taxpayers money on things that will cause more accidents than stop lights.

  3. At peak traffic periods vehicles wanting to get onto route 68 from san benancio and other roads will have to wait for a courteous driver to let them in. the traffic on 68 will be bumper to bumper on roundabouts and difficult for sub road traffic to get on the merry ground. i have suggested controlling the signals ever since the mention of roundabouts. the signal management works well on hwy 111 in palm desert, rancho mirage. it makes since to at least give a trial run before tearing up existing structures and landscape for a project that may make things worse.

  4. This crazy proposed project is just another ill-conceived bureaucrat boondoggle that is the result of consultant group-think..Exactly how the California High Speed Train to NOWHERE got started..CalTrans and TAMC members do not do their homework and rely on false data, or worse, don’t seek accurate data on alternatives..They’re not doing their jobs..Thanks to Mr Dwight Stump for his tireless work on the AI alternative and shining light on this silly waste of taxpayers’ money.

  5. I do have concerns about how exiting our church property after a service will be impacted. Having to wait for a thoughtful driver to let you merge could take several minutes, then multiply that by over 100 cars waiting. Secondly, this is a lot of money to spend when less expensive options are available . Why can they not try the less expensive options first on a few of the areas and get a proper feel for how it will help our traffic problem in general. Again a lot of money for no guarantee it will even work.

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